Friday, September 3, 2010

Blinged up lock

Our school is so small, we only get P.E. lockers! And we have to buy the schools locks from them. Just plain Silver! And of course, being the crafty girl I am... I glittered it up :) I didn't get a picture though, :( I will try tuesday! All you need is paper glaze (or clear nail polish, but the paper glaze works a bit better) and glitter, like in the picture of the gel nails tutorial. Just coat the lock with the glaze and dump the glitter on. Viola! You have a pretty lock for your locker. I have a guy P.E. teacher and he say the lock in my hand just before we chose our lockers... he was very impressed! He said, "Wow, look at your bling bling!" haha :)

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